In a spirit of comprehension, compassion, peace, honor and respect.

Instruction to Pronuntio Restitutum and associated instruments is provided by way of supporting
information explaining the source, form, nature, context, origin, precedence and significance of the
instruments provided with these instructions, namely:
i. Pronouncement of Restitution (“Pronouncement”) sealed to the reverse of an extract of a
birth certificate (“Roman Certificate”); and
ii. Letter Rogatory, Obsignation and Acceptance (“Letter Rogatory”).
A. Conveyance to you of Instruments
1. The conveyance to you by post of the above mentioned sacred instruments is done in good faith
without prejudice, before all Heaven, Holy Spirits and Earth as our witnesses, humbly evoking the
Divine Grace of our Universal and Divine Creator that you respect, receive and hold them in a
timely fashion; and
2. The conveyance to you by post of the above mentioned sacred instruments is done with the
utmost respect to your office, without threat, intimidation, coercion, or any other inferred kind of
act of aggression; and
3. We come to you in peace and honor. We come to you unarmed, without any hostile intention. We
come to you evoking the laws of nations and all treaties that promote the peaceful resolution of any
and all matters of controversy.
B. Source of Law
4. The primary sources of law underwriting the form of the instruments named above are:
i. Pactum De Singularis Caelum (Covenant of One Heaven); and
ii. Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum (Living Body of Divine Canon Law); and
iii. The Holy Bible; and
iv. The Jerusalem Talmud; and
v. Corpus Iuris Civilus (Roman Law); and
vi. Corpus Iuris Canonum (Roman Catholic “Rule of Law”); and
vii. Maxims of Common Law
5. While the sources named by (i) and (ii) may be unfamiliar or unknown to you or your agents, it is
without dispute that the laws of the nation are founded on the sources of law named in (iii), (iv), (v),
(vi) and (vii); and
6. Where citation is given to a particular element of form, argument or reason based on foundational
sources of law as named in either (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) or (vii), then the possible absence of
corresponding citation by statute, code or case cannot fairly render the element of form invalid
without also confessing heresy and high treason to such foundational sources of law; and
7. As citation to foundational sources of law are provided to you in this instruction, an absence of
response by you or your agents in a timely fashion can only be reasonably concluded to mean that
you not only seek to dishonor such sacred instruments, but the foundational sources of law to which
they refer. The only possible way that such a conclusion can be proven to be false, is to respond to
instruments in a timely fashion; and
8. If any response by you or your agents refuses to distinguish between citations and any dispute of
the validity of the instruments themselves, then such a response shall therefore represent proof you
not only seek to dishonor such sacred instruments, but the foundational sources of law to which
they refer. This includes returning the instruments without any comment; and
9. You or your agents may refute such conclusions herein stated, based not only upon options
contained in your own statutes, codes and citations, but justifications within the body of legal
contrivances available to you by those skilled in the “art” of the law practiced by the private bar
guilds. However, while you or your agents may be satisfied that you have no obligation to respond
and that such conclusions contained herein are counteracted by your statutes, codes and citations of
the private bar guild, such administrative law is and always will be subordinate to the sources of
foundational law we have cited; and
10. It is universally accepted that case law is derived from the body of statutes and executive orders
of the society, itself deriving legitimacy within Western nations from the foundational sources of law
mentioned above. Therefore, the rebuttal of a legitimate citation from the source and foundation of
all western law with a contrary argument within subordinate law such as case law or statute law is an
illogical and unsustainable argument. Either you rebut or you must concede.
C. Form of Action
11. The form of action presented to you through the Pronouncement and Letter Rogatory is in
response to the fact that contrary to public assertions to the freedom, free will and free consent of
the people, the state continues to recognize forms of law, procedures, conventions and agreements
which render the people effectively under servitude with their personal property claimed by the state
as owner, while the person is provided usufruct under certain conditions; and
12. Despite the overwhelming evidence in statute, judgment, such as the Cestui Que Vie Acts of
1540, 1666, 1707 and their morphing into the rules and conventions by which Vital Statistics (Births,
Death and Marriages) still functions, this is denied. Despite the fact that overwhelming evidence
exists to prove the state considers its citizens as aliens and “enemies” already presumed hostile to
government, this is denied. Despite the fact the state considers us lost, abandoned, a minor and
incompetent to this day, therefore depriving us of our rights, this is denied; and
13. Contact by many has been done with complete respect at a local and state level, to no avail, as
such officials plead either ignorance or repeat the complete denial that such effective “servitude”
exists, preferring to imply that such claims are erroneous; and
14. Indeed, the incontrovertible truth is all around that the only slavery abolished under previous
treaties and orders was “unlawful slavery”, with the abolition of any claimed “lawful slavery” never
mentioned; and
15. All reasonable attempt to have disclosed whether in fact the controls by which the state denies
certain rights and therefore effective “lawful slavery” is based upon the presumptions of the Cestui
Que Vie Acts and associated acts of being lost and abandoned and minor and incompetent have
been to no avail. Therefore such complete denial, silence, obstruction, misinformation conspiracy
has compelled the attached instruments to be issued; and
16. There are only two possible forms of effective servitude in operation under this nation- either
“lawful” or “voluntary servitude” by virtue of our consent, our incompetence or deemed legal status,
or “unlawful slavery” in which case, your failure to adequately respond to these instruments may
justifiably be considered confirmation of the latter; and
17. The Instruments of the Pronouncement and the Letter Rogatory are issued on the presumption
that the society still exists under the effective rules of “Voluntary Servitude” and therefore “Lawful
Slavery” able to be imposed until the man or woman awakens and seeks to restitute their status
properly, through such instruments as these; and
18. However, the dishonor of these instruments, or continued refusal to redeem the status of the
author of the Pronouncement and Letter Rogatory as proof that only “unlawful slavery” exists then
provides such evidence, including any follow up instruments that the executors and administrators
of the nation must be formally presented as masters of an unlawful slavery system in direct
contravention of international treaties and agreements.
D. Pronouncement
19. The Pronouncement of Restitution calls upon the Divine Creator and all Heaven, Holy Spirits
and Earth as witness (Deuteronomy 30:19) to the humble and respectful act of the author to be
recognized as fully returned and restored. Whatever transgression has been paid (Exodus 22:3),
whatever sin has been paid (Exodus 30:12-16); and
20. Specifically, the Pronouncement evokes the fundamental law (Exodus 21) used to claim the
structure of the Cestui Que Vie statutes and models of modern “voluntary servitude”, especially
Exodus 21:3. Therefore, if the pronouncement is dishonored, then all the laws associated with
power of attorney, custodianship, vital statistics, rolls are also dishonored by disgracing the
foundation for such law being claimed “lawful” in the first instance; and
21. In the light of the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), the leaders of state are asked to
honor the ecclesiastical nature of their office and balance the books on Earth, just as they have been
balanced in Heaven; and
22. However, if the author is still treated in the manner of one in servitude with little or no standing,
then such humble act and demonstration of the completion of the Sacrament of Penance demands
their manumission (Leviticus 25:47-55); and
23. The reference to forgiveness on Earth as in Heaven is in accord with Can. 992 of Roman Canon
Law and the Sacrament of Penance that underpin all Positive Law of Western nations based on
Roman Law as all negotiable instruments under Western Law are by definition either valid
indulgences, or false and defective; and
24. When an Officer deliberately ignores such serious matters and denies the act of absolution,
particularly when given under a Levitical seal, then such an Officer openly confesses heresy and high
treason against all western law, as there is no higher nor more respectful act under the Abrahamic
Religions than to sacrifice one’s own blood as atonement for any alleged sins.
E. Two Witnesses to the Pronouncement
25. While it may be claimed, an instrument cannot be regarded as valid unless it is witnessed by a
notary public and therefore part of the public record, the source of such authority originates from
Deuteronomy 19:15. Therefore, the presence of two witnesses on Earth as well as the evocation of
Heaven and all Holy Spirits is the highest possible witnessing to an administrative act; and
26. To deny any instrument witnessed by two or more on Earth as well as witnessed by humble
evocation to all Heaven and all Holy Spirits is a terrible act of supreme dishonor and is equivalent to
denying any form of due process, evidential validation or law exists.

Hearftelt gratitude to Frank O'Collins